Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wetlands Rare Spawns
Wetlands is a very aptly-named, swampy and predominantly Alliance zone. Throughout your sodden travels, keep your eyes out for twelve rares that call Wetlands their home.
Probably one of the more well-known rares in this zone is the Razormaw Matriarch, who used to drop the Razormaw Hatchling pet. This pet no longer drops from her, and can now be looted directly from her nest which can be found right near by her spawn point. (Nest shown in screenshots below.) You can find her in the cave at Raptor Ridge. When you enter the cave, simply stick to your right. She spawns at the end of the peninsula in the cavern filled with shallow water. She is also tamable, although not unique.
Probably one of the more well-known rares in this zone is the Razormaw Matriarch, who used to drop the Razormaw Hatchling pet. This pet no longer drops from her, and can now be looted directly from her nest which can be found right near by her spawn point. (Nest shown in screenshots below.) You can find her in the cave at Raptor Ridge. When you enter the cave, simply stick to your right. She spawns at the end of the peninsula in the cavern filled with shallow water. She is also tamable, although not unique.
Leech Widow, the green and black spider, can also be found in a cave (Thelgen Rock). The entrance is at 53.2, 62.9. She is located deep inside, beside the large shallow pool of water. Again, she is tamable but not unique. Sludginn can be found in the bottom of Ironbeard's Tomb, and he is HUGE. He takes up the entire area! The rest of the rares in this zone can be found outdoors.
Chops, the brownish green and orange crocolisk (pictured on the right), is a brand new rare to the zone (added in patch 5.1). You'll find him swimming around in the river between Wetlands and Arathi Highlands. To get to him by foot simply head north over the Thandol Span and make a right. There is a path leading down to the water from Arathi. Due to CRZ, you probably won't see him until you cross over into Wetlands (down by the water). If he's up you won't miss him because he's quite large. He is tamable, and although not unique you won't find another croc to tame that shares his same model and coloration until reaching the mid-level 80's and heading to Uldum.
Click map to Enlarge |
Ma'ruk Wyrmscale, Gazz the Loch Hunter, Leech Widow & Gnawbone |
Two-Toes, Rufus Darkshot, Sarltooth & Mirelow |
Sludginn, Garneg Charskull, Razormaw Matriarch & Chops |
Razormaw Matriarch & her Nest |
/npcscan add 2090 Ma'ruk Wyrmscale
/npcscan add 44227 Gazz the Loch-Hunter
/npcscan add 1112 Leech Widow
/npcscan add 14425 Gnawbone
/npcscan add 44224 Two-Toes
/npcscan add 44225 Rufus Darkshot
/npcscan add 44226 Sarltooth
/npcscan add 14424 Mirelow
/npcscan add 14433Sludginn
/npcscan add 2108 Garneg Charskull
/npcscan add 1140 Razormaw Matriarch
/npcscan add 50964 Chops
Patch 5.1,
Vanity Pet Drop/Lootable item,
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Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Prince Lakma (The Last Chimaerok)
A couple of weeks ago one of my readers reminded me about this rare. I had taken all sorts of screenshots of him over a year ago and somehow just never got around to writing about him. Well, I've been following this guy around for the past few days, and with bags chock full of Chimaerok Tenderloin - I'm ready to give you all the skinny on him.
Prince Lakma (perhaps the son of Lord Lakmaeran?) is a level 87 rare chimaera with approximately 4.2M health. You can find him flying around the lush green area in the mountains between Feralas and Silithus. I marked his patrol route in red on the maps below.
Now here is the interesting thing about this rare - because his patrol route spans two different zones (and I'm assuming because of CRZ) it is possible to find two versions of him up at any given time.
In the video below you can see my hunter tame him in Silithus, and then find and kill him in Feralas only moments later. All you need to do is move back and forth between the zone lines and wait a few moments. If he is up in either zone he should show up within a half a minute or so. The spot where I waited for him was at about 21.8, 6.0 (in Silithus) and then moving north ever so slightly to 48.0, 79.0 where the zone changes to Feralas.
This guy only has one notable drop, and that is Chimaerok Tenderloin. He generally drops about a full stack of them. This item is used in the epic cooking recipe Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops. This is the only epic quality recipe in game; it used to be obtainable via the quest: Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops which was part of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest line. The quest can no longer be completed since Cataclysm, therefore the only way this recipe can be obtained these days is to trade/purchase it from another player who still has the unlearned recipe.
For level 90's he is not difficult to kill. His lightning shield hit my character for less than 1k each tick, and I hardly had to worry about keeping my pet healed.
For level 90's he is not difficult to kill. His lightning shield hit my character for less than 1k each tick, and I hardly had to worry about keeping my pet healed.
Prince Lakma is also tamable by hunters. Those looking to tame him will need to be at least level 87 and in Beast Mastery spec to tame him. Note that he is immune to Freezing Trap.
Prince Laka Tamed |
His spawn timer seems to be somewhere in the range of 1 - 2 hours.
Remember, if you find him - be sure to look for the second version of him while your there!
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Monday, June 17, 2013
Blogiversary Contest Winners!
My Second Blogiversary contest ended last night, and I would just like to thank you all for the lovely comments and again for the support. :) I did a /roll 1-38 this morning, and as you can see from the screenshot above it landed on 29 and then 6.
That means the winner of the Crawling claw pet is: Akira Voorhees
The winner of a TCG pet of your choice from the ones I listed is: Cain
The winners have been contacted via email, and will have a week from the time of publishing this post to respond. If prizes go unclaimed, I will do another /roll in game to determine another winner.
Congratulations to the winners!
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Thursday, June 6, 2013
Second Blogiversary & Giveaway
Wow! I can't believe it's been two years already since I started rambling about rares on this blog. Seriously, where has the time gone?! I have to say, this past year of blogging has been even better than my first. With the addition of like eight bazillion rares in Pandaria, and a heaping ton of fun new hunter pets - I've had a LOT of fun things to write about.
Let's take a look at what's been happening around here this past year. ~
One of my goals was to improve navigation, and I think I've somewhat accomplished that with my tabs up above. The first tab I added was the List of Rares by Zone, after that addition I just continued adding tabs from there to help people find more specific rares. The List of Rares by Zone tab gets the most hits by far, but I notice plenty of people using the rest of the tabs as well - specifically the hunter pet related ones. I notice people using the search option too, but not nearly as often.
In the last year I've written a total of 82 posts (83 counting this one), bringing my total post count to 248. Although I have produced less posts than the previous year, I'd like to think that the quality of posts has gone up. On average I've been spending a lot more time on each one compared to last year.
Some of my posts have been wildly successful (based on the number of views), and then there are ones that I'm simply proud of based on quality and content. First, let me tell you all which posts were deemed most popular according to their view count.
Top Five Posts from the Previous Year based on Views:
5. Sha of Anger - MoP World Boss - I had written up this post last summer while I was playing early on in the mop beta. At the time of writing this he was not only quite difficult to kill, but he would despawn and reappear somewhere else on the map every time he was engaged and reset. Between his difficulty level and griefers I never did get to participate in a kill until mop was released.
4. New Rares and Mounts Coming in patch 5.2 - With the promise of so many new rares coming in patch 5.2 I just had to get the down low on the ptr. This post covered a lot of the earlier patch 5.2 ptr related rares. The IoT rares weren't all in their live locations yet and many of them had placeholder names. Goda wasn't even a turtle - he was a super badass elite Drakkari Golem that really packed a punch. I really enjoyed the research involved in putting this particular post together.
3. Map of Rare Pandarian Champions by Type - Not a whole lot of text goin' on in this post, just one heck of a detailed map. This post was very popular when MoP was first released. In the last few months people viewing this post have steadily decreased, while posts on rare champions in specific zones have gone up.
2. The Jade Forest Rare Champions - I'm not sure why, but for some reason the rare champions in The Jade Forest are much more popular than the ones in other zones on this blog. This post has seen about double the views as any of the other zones I've covered in Pandaria.
1. Map of Rare Spawns on the Isle of Thunder - Bleh, it just figures. The post viewed most on this blog is one that I spent the least amount of time on. I literally threw this map together in no time at all to have a quick reference to glance at. The post I would have preferred people to be looking at instead is this one: Isle of Thunder Rares Spawns. I put a lot of time into that post, and there is SO much more useful info.
Between our good friend Google, the navigation on my blog and whatever other factors, those were the top posts this past year based on the numbers. Now, if I could choose five different posts - ones I believe more worthy based on time and effort put into them, quality, content, etc.. they would be completely different. Here are the posts that I believe should have been in the top five.
My Top Five Picks from the Previous Year:
5. Patrannache - Trackable Hunter Pet (Crane) - This bird was a total #$@*% to track down. When I finally did find him, I wanted to make sure I could get as much info on him as possible. I definitely put more time into following stinky pinky here than any other pet. The fraps video of my following him was over an hour and a half long unedited. Using footage from that video I put together an incredibly accurate map of his ridiculous path. At the end of the day I was extremely happy with what I put together.
4. How to Tame Degu, Hutia & Gumi (Spectral Porcupines) - Yeah, I know there are technically three posts here, but I am equally proud of them and believe they should be listed together. I really enjoyed not only writing these posts, but doing the research and learning these tames was a ton of fun. As much as I appreciated having to track down rare pets early on in the Mop expansion, I always love a good Molten Front/Hyjal style taming challenge.
3. Where to Find the Riches of Pandaria - One of my readers (Cain) suggested that I write this post after reading Lost and Found Achievement: Where to Find Lost Treasures in Pandaria (which also came very close to making this list). I thought it was a great idea, and conveniently a few days after seeing his suggestion Blizzard added the Riches of Pandaria Achievements.
2. New 5.1 Rare Faction Champions in Krasarang Wilds - A Closer Look - This is another post that I really enjoyed doing the research on and writing about. I spent a lot of time camping these guys with my hubby, and things got pretty competitive for a while - which made putting it together even more fun. At the end of the day I just felt really good about how well this post came together, and I was not the least bit afraid to hit "publish".
1. The Darkmoon Rabbit - I had a blast writing this post. I loved how Blizzard used Monty Python and the Holy Grail references like crazy with this fuzzy little ball of death, and I had fun with it! Even looking back at it now I have to chuckle a bit.
So my lists don't coincide - at all, but that's fine. Even the posts that I thought should have made the top of the list still had a lot of views. I know they have been helping people as well, and ultimately that is what this blog is all about after all - helping people find those elusive rares and taming some sweet new pets. Although people don't always comment, I know I have some lurkers out there too. You know who you are!
My Thanks to all of You:
So, as a way of saying thanks to my readers, I am going to have a little giveaway again this year. I am giving away two battle pets to two lucky commenters: the Crawling Claw and another from the WoW TCG.
All you have to do to enter is simply comment on this post. I will choose TWO winners from the comments randomly using a /roll in game.
The first roll will win the Crawling Claw pet shown above - I hear this pet is quite OP in the pet battling world, and they are still pretty hard to come by these days. The second roll winner will get to choose one pet from the list of TCG pets below:
(For example, if there are 23 comments I will do two rolls (/roll (1-23)) in game. If the rolls are 14 and then 21, that means the 14th commenter wins the Crawling Claw and the 23rd commenter has their choice of TCG pets listed above.)
These are not TCG codes I'm giving away, they are caged battle pets that need to be traded in game. Winners will need to have an active World of Warcraft subscription in order to receive their pet. Anonymous replies, or anyone not registered with Blogger will need to put some contact info in their reply. (This is so that I can contact the winners.) An email address, twitter info or even a character name & realm will be fine.
The contest will be open for 10 days (ending Midnight on Sunday, June 16th EST). I will post who the winners are shortly after. Winners will have one week to claim their prize. (If anyone simply wishes to comment but doesn't want to participate, please state so.)
Thanks all for another wonderful year!
Much Love, Euphyley <3
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Sunday, May 26, 2013
Thousand Needles Rare Spawns - Including Tamable Rares added in 5.1
With the extremely welcome change of raising hunter's stable slots to a maximum of 50 (up from 20) in patch 5.3, I figured it would be a good time to continue on with my posts on low level rares - including more interesting and unique hunter pets. I don't know about anyone else, but I have a lot of new pets (and a lot of previously abandoned pets) to find and fill my stable with in the very near future.
Well, Thousand Needles has a lot to offer hunters as far as tamable rares are concerned. Twelve of the fifteen rares in this zone are tamable, and nine of these are fairly new (added in patch 5.1). Two of these rares even have unique looks. (Note: The three silithid rares are exotic, therefore hunters need to be at least level 69 and in Beast Mastery spec to tame them.)
Skyshadow, the level 43 grey, yellow & orange spiked wind serpent, has a very appealing unique coloration and model (pictured on the right). He can be found in the far eastern part of the zone near Splithoof heights. He spawns in a relatively out of the way area near the other cloud serpents overlooking the sea. For those without flight - just head straight up into Splithoof Heights from the water and then eastward along the mountain until you get to the flat overlook.
Barnacle Jim, a level 40 spiky sea crab, also has a unique look. You can find him swimming around underwater in Splithoof Crag in front of the remains of a large Centaur tent.
I would also like to point out that Rrakk, the level 42 red bat, is an elite rare (notice the wings on his silver dragon portrait below). He has about triple the health as the other rares in the zone. You can find him in the grassy area north of Splithoof Heights.
I have screenshots below of each of these rares in order by level. The ones with the stars in the bottom right hand corner are the new tamable rares added in patch 5.1. The colors of the stars correspond to where they can be found on the map above.
All of these rares can be added to NPCScan. You can simply cut and paste these two macros in game to add all of them automatically:
/npcscan add 50952 Barnacle Jim
/npcscan add 50741 Kaxx
/npcscan add 50892 Cyn
/npcscan add 50748 Nyaj
/npcscan add 50329 Rrakk
/npcscan add 5933 Achellios the Banished
/npcscan add 4132 Krkk'kx
/npcscan add 51001 Venomclaw
/npcscan add 14426 Harb Foulmountain
/npcscan add 50785 Skyshadow
/npcscan add 14427 Gibblesnik
/npcscan add 50727 Strix the Barbed
/npcscan add 51008 The Barbed Horror
/npcscan add 5935 Ironeye the Invincible
/npcscan add 5937 Vile Sting
Taming Skyshadow |
Skyshadow, the level 43 grey, yellow & orange spiked wind serpent, has a very appealing unique coloration and model (pictured on the right). He can be found in the far eastern part of the zone near Splithoof heights. He spawns in a relatively out of the way area near the other cloud serpents overlooking the sea. For those without flight - just head straight up into Splithoof Heights from the water and then eastward along the mountain until you get to the flat overlook.
Barnacle Jim, a level 40 spiky sea crab, also has a unique look. You can find him swimming around underwater in Splithoof Crag in front of the remains of a large Centaur tent.
I would also like to point out that Rrakk, the level 42 red bat, is an elite rare (notice the wings on his silver dragon portrait below). He has about triple the health as the other rares in the zone. You can find him in the grassy area north of Splithoof Heights.
Click map to Enlarge |
Barnacle Jim, Kaxx, Cyn, Nyaj & Rrakk |
Achellios the Banished, Krkk'kx, Venomclaw, Harb Foulmountain & Skyshadow |
Gibblesnik, Strix the Barbed, The Barbed Horror, Ironeye the Invincible & Vile Sting |
Hangin' with Barnacle Jim (Tamed) |
/npcscan add 50741 Kaxx
/npcscan add 50892 Cyn
/npcscan add 50748 Nyaj
/npcscan add 50329 Rrakk
/npcscan add 5933 Achellios the Banished
/npcscan add 4132 Krkk'kx
/npcscan add 51001 Venomclaw
/npcscan add 14426 Harb Foulmountain
/npcscan add 50785 Skyshadow
/npcscan add 14427 Gibblesnik
/npcscan add 50727 Strix the Barbed
/npcscan add 51008 The Barbed Horror
/npcscan add 5935 Ironeye the Invincible
/npcscan add 5937 Vile Sting
Patch 5.1,
Thousand Needles
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Sunday, May 19, 2013
Lesser Charms of Good Fortune to Drop from Rares in Patch 5.3 & Sahn Tidehunter Moved
With patch 5.3 just around the corner I figured I'd give a quick heads-up about a few of the changes that will be affecting rare spawns in Pandaria when it goes live.
The biggest change affecting all of the rares in Pandaria (minus the Zadalari Warscouts & Warbringers) is that they will all drop several Lesser Charms of Good Fortune now. I flew around the ptr killing each rare up, and every one dropped several charms. The amount seemed to be about 3-5 from each.
That isn't the only thing being added to their loot tables though, Blood-Soaked Invitations will also have a chance to drop off of the rares in Pandaria (minus the rares on Isle of Thunder). I'm not sure what the drop rate will be on them, but I had to kill about ten rares before I saw one. (Official patch notes)
I think this is a wonderful change. I'll admit, as much as I love pet battling I was getting a bit tired of it in order to get my Lesser Charms. It will also be nice to see people hunting these rares down again given this new incentive. I know I won't be flying by and leaving any of them alive any more when I come across one.
Also, the Big Blossom Excavation totally destroyed Sahn Tidehunter's Little pond in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The poor guy had to move with his dead crab Carapin to the northern pond next to Mogu'shan Palace. He is shown at his new location in the screenshot below.
(And on a personal note - Our new girl baby turned one month old yesterday, and she's doing quite well. She went on her first road trip last week and she had a lot of fun. She absolutely LOVES bumpy car rides. I'm also fairly certain that I witnessed her first real smile this morning! ^-^)
The biggest change affecting all of the rares in Pandaria (minus the Zadalari Warscouts & Warbringers) is that they will all drop several Lesser Charms of Good Fortune now. I flew around the ptr killing each rare up, and every one dropped several charms. The amount seemed to be about 3-5 from each.
That isn't the only thing being added to their loot tables though, Blood-Soaked Invitations will also have a chance to drop off of the rares in Pandaria (minus the rares on Isle of Thunder). I'm not sure what the drop rate will be on them, but I had to kill about ten rares before I saw one. (Official patch notes)
I think this is a wonderful change. I'll admit, as much as I love pet battling I was getting a bit tired of it in order to get my Lesser Charms. It will also be nice to see people hunting these rares down again given this new incentive. I know I won't be flying by and leaving any of them alive any more when I come across one.
Also, the Big Blossom Excavation totally destroyed Sahn Tidehunter's Little pond in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The poor guy had to move with his dead crab Carapin to the northern pond next to Mogu'shan Palace. He is shown at his new location in the screenshot below.
Sahn Tidehunter at his new location in patch 5.3 |
Patch 5.3,
Vale of Eternal Blossoms
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